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Pico del Veleta: video - best of Pico Veleta (von 2 Tagen auf Veleta)

  • gyorgyigabor, 02.01.2013, 09:39 Uhr 14.01.2013, 18:23 Uhr
    Hello !
    Ich wünsche ein frohes und gesundes neues Jahr!

    I have a new video uploaded to youtube - a compilation - video of Pico Veleta. I cycled it 1st time starting at sealevel, than 2 days later I cycled it from Granada and we had wonderful but windy weather. WE could see not only the sea there, but little bit Africa too !
    ( I edited video is 26 min long, the original ones are more than 1 - 1 hour long - each day.)
    Have pleasure with it !
  • Uwe, 02.01.2013, 20:52 Uhr 14.01.2013, 18:23 Uhr
    A very interesting video!
    Oh, what a storm...
    When you say, you are looking for all streets in Alps climbing above 2000 m, than I think, there are 2 streets, you are missing: [url=]
  • Uwe, 02.01.2013, 21:59 Uhr 14.01.2013, 18:23 Uhr auf Uwe
    Oh, I'm to crazy to create a url...
  • gyorgyigabor, 07.01.2013, 09:26 Uhr 14.01.2013, 18:23 Uhr auf Uwe
    Hello Uwe,
    Yes, it's true. They could be uploaded, added to the quaeldich list in summer, maybe after my tour or after I finished my plan. Last year I found 3 climb that was listed later or got the exact info if it is paved or not (Bärgli - recycling asphalt was true asphalt :) ) and Scimfuss is paved, but in the year of 2011 I turned back when the pavement finished (for a while) at ca 2100 m - later I realized in my mind + from internet that after a while the pavement goes ahead to the top.
    So last year (2012) I visited as "missing" quaeldich-climbs, Bärgli, Scimfuss,
    + Steinigboda - which was uploaded after 2011 summer
    + Alp Giop / Hotel Salastrains - which was uploaded here after the summer 2011.
    The 2 climbs that mention = the same situation, but I don't think I would visit the this year.
    This challenge: having all of the paved ascents going above 2000m would be a never ending story...
    So "cycled all of the paved climbs above 2000m" can be considered only for a date, for example: for the date of the tour or when the plan was prepared.

    Jerry Nilson (legendary alpine cyclist: sent me infos about 3 another climbs which could be paved above 2000m and aren't listed by quaeldich, and 1 is for sure paved, but 1 is maybe such a climb which paved section can be reached only by cable car, so not a true climb.....
    It isn't a simple challenge to know all of the paved ascents going above 2000m ... to check a lot of lists, cycling forums, etc... and maybe there are a few ones which are known only for local people.... -. and maybe no info on internet.

    Thank & best regards,
  • Uwe, 07.01.2013, 18:01 Uhr 14.01.2013, 18:23 Uhr auf gyorgyigabor
    Hallo Gabor!
    I think, it's a very interesting challange, to look for all paved climbs abaout 2000 m in the Alps.
    And for me it never will be a secret, when I find a new climb.
    Best regards for 2013,
  • gyorgyigabor, 14.01.2013, 18:23 Uhr auf Uwe
    Thanks, Uwe :)
    Yes, it's "mission impossible" and a never ending story.
    One of those, Jerry found on the web is:
    –> "Alp da Stierva/Alp da Gaglignas 2145m (nothing found on the end Alp Gaglinas, but the previous alp is apparently some kind of religious place above Tiefencastel/Mon/Stierva. See:"
    –> "another possible asphalted +2000m road above Crans Montana:
    - Merdechon (2079m) - not sure though - only one Google maps photo that seems to confirm it is asphalt and the satellite photos could indicate asphalt, but all a bit unclear (to me at least)."
    –> "you can cycle up to 2020m on an ENEL road in Italy to Lago Dietro La Torre 2369 (gravel last part). Not far from Maljucassia(?) Usseglio.

    This is the link that confirms this (also checked maps for Torino satellite and CTR maps:"

    For me quaeldich database, list gave very serious help. I remmeber, when last year I found the info that Alpe Cava is paved. ticinobegleiter (Klaus) visited it, but when I read his experiences the info didn't reached my mind that there is a section which hadn't been paved, unly the last 4-5 kms. I cycled there and at ca. 1200 m I had to turn back; I didn't enjoy cycling on road with small rocks on it.
    In the following days I will send 3 descriptions about 3 spanish climb - of course above 2000m :)

    Best regards,
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